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Who am I?​


Sharing this side of my journey fills me with immense pleasure so I'd like to thank you for taking the time out to get acquainted with me and my work.


I  am Sukanya Sivakumar, a free-spirited pixie soul who is also a photographer and writer. 

I lived in Oman, Muscat - a breathtaking country that I very proudly refer to as my "foster motherland".

I moved back to Madras, India 8 years ago. 


I combined my love for travel and storytelling through my humanities and visual communication background.

I very vividly recall the summer evening of 2008 when I held my first camera and that was it, I've been on a paid holiday ever since! 


Over the years, my approach to photography has remained the same; celebrating lives and laugh lines.


Cracking my heart open like a sunny-side-up with every session almost feels like a muscle memory and doesn’t. This is the transformative message that image-making drove home for me; to be and not to be. 


I am one who drenches herself in every experience - my work and anchor in life cemented that aspect for me; making my subjects fall in love with themselves by making them see what I see in them through my 'window of happiness.' 


If you are someone who is full of beans and would like to explore more of this cheeky 'dolce far niente feeling' through these sessions,  do fill in the contact form / drop an email and we shall make it happen! 


Please allow me a 24-hour window to get back to you.


| Om Tat Sat |

Copyright © 2021, Sukanya Sivakumar

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